Sunday, October 24, 2010

What did I learn and how can I use it in the future?

This week I learned about different resources teachers can use online to become better teachers in the classroom. I specifically focused on Teacher Tube and Puzzlemaker. Teacher Tube is basically YouTube for teachers. It has many different videos by all levels of teachers. Some are veterans of 20 years, while others are like me, under the three year mark. The site is very useful for questions that pop up every day for me. It's a good resource to use when other teachers aren't readily available, or if you don't want to ask a "stupid" question and come off looking clueless.

The Puzzlemaker resource is a way to incorporate spelling, reading comprehension, and vocabulary in the classroom. You enter words that your students are learning and they can then unscramble the puzzle, all while learning! It's a good combination that gets students involved and engaged in an area that students regularly find boring. Very helpful stuff!

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